"There is not enough earth..." Left as it is, 2.8 earths are needed to sustain the forthcoming world population if the entire world population live like how Japanese lives. Ongoing consumption of rapidly depleting natural resources continues to threaten the environment.
In order to overcome these challenges and pass on a healthy environment to the future generation, it is of urgent need to shift from a "linear/consumption" society to a "circular/symbiotic" society.
Even as the term sustainability pervades today, food, electricity, gas and our daily needs are still dependent on the consumption of natural resources.
We firmly believe that algae is one of the means to solve this global crisis.
Algae produced the oxygen, which brought forth biodiversity, in the Earth billions of years ago. This is the same algae that can sequester carbon dioxide to produce the oxygen of today.
We at Algalbio aim to be the world's No. 1 clean technology company by solving global issues and contributing to the future of the people and Earth through unleashing the potential of such algae.